Call for Nominations

As a growing and dynamic organization, IEC is looking for volunteer leaders to serve on the 2025 Board of Directors to strategically shape the future of our organization.  IEC is accepting nominations for the IEC National Executive Committee and Regional Director positions.

How do I submit a nomination?

·       Deadline: June 14, 2024

·       Executive Committee: Email the following APPLICATION to

·       Regional Director: Email the following APPLICATION to your chapter’s Executive Director.


Who Can Nominate?

·        Executive Committee: Any IEC Contractor Member or Member-at-large who meets the position qualifications with nomination sign-off specified on the nomination form.

·        Regional Director: Each chapter is invited to nominate one potential candidate for each open seat. However, only one Regional Director can represent a given chapter at a time. 


What are the terms of open positions?

·        Executive Committee: 1 year, January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025.  Executive Committee members may be elected to serve in successive positions including Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, President, and Immediate Past President.

·        Regional Director: 2 years, January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2026.  Regional Director positions may be elected to serve up to three consecutive two-year terms.


What do the open positions entail?

·       Executive Committee:  The IEC Executive Committee consists of five individuals from the IEC contractor membership. These leaders carry out the mission and vision of the IEC- working in close conjunction with the IEC Board of Directors and other IEC volunteers and members.  Learn more about the qualifications for the Executive Committee.

·       Regional Directors: An IEC contractor member who has been elected to serve on the IEC National Board of Directors by their Region’s chapter delegates during their Regional Caucus at SPARK. Regional Directors may not be IEC chapter staff members and no two Regional Directors may be from the same IEC Chapter. All Regional Director candidates must be present at their Regional Caucus so Regional chapter delegates may hear from them prior to the election. All Regional Director candidates must be IEC contractor members in good standing at the chapter and IEC National levels. All prospective candidates must have served on their local Chapter Board or an IEC National Committee for at least one year. Regional Directors are tasked with representing their Region’s interests while serving on the IEC National Board of Directors.  Learn More about the responsibilities and duties of the Regional Director position.


How Much Time Will It Take? 

·       Executive Committee: The Executive Committee meets virtually and in-person throughout the year. The Executive Committee typically meets virtually monthly, in addition to monthly virtual Board Meetings.  Travel should be expected for up to four trips per year, (Business Summit, Policy Conference, SPARK, and a Retreat).

·       Regional Directors:  Regional Directors typically meet virtually on a monthly basis with the Board of Directors and lead periodic regional virtual calls among members.  Regional Directors should expect to travel up to three times per year, (Business Summit, Policy Conference, and SPARK).


How Will I Benefit? 

You will have the ability to help lead IEC forward as we address the opportunities and challenges in growing our workforce. You will also get to meet electrical contractors, apprentices, and partners from across the country, making a positive contribution to many lives and our industry.


Will There Be Compensation?

IEC Board members serving as volunteer leaders of a non-profit organization do not receive monetary compensation for their time.  Executive Committee and Regional Directors receive reimbursement for required travel.


Who is on the Nominations & Elections Committee?

·       IEC National Nominating Committee: Chair, Cecil Leedy, Bobby Tutor, Tom Alexander, Frank Monacelli, and Don Aragon

About the 2025 IEC Executive Committee


Contact Thayer Long below