Independent Electrical Contractors

2024 IEC National Award Winners
Congratulations to all of the 2024 IEC Award winners! This year, we celebrate the exceptional individuals, companies, and chapters that have set the standard for innovation, dedication, and leadership in the electrical industry.
Achievement Awards
Industry Impact Award
Steve Killius
IEC Rocky Mountain

Community Impact Award
Kori Hemans
IEC Rocky Mountain

Lifetime Achievement Award
Gene Mini
All Service Electric Inc.
New Jersey IEC

Individual Awards
Alumni Impact Award
Jake Jackson
Juniper Mountain Electric
IEC Rocky Mountain

Contractor Impact Award
Ian Marriott
IGM Innovative Solutions LLC DBA IGM Commercial Fire and Electrical Systems
IEC Chesapeake

Future Impact Award
Zackary Jarmon
IEC Dallas

Future Impact Award
Paul Lingo
IEC Rocky Mountain

Future Impact Award
Chris Shipp
IEC Rocky Mountain

Chapter Awards
Apprenticeship Impact Award
IEC Rocky Mountain

Legislative Impact Award
IEC Rocky Mountain

Chapter Executive Director of the Year
Marilyn Akers Stansbury
IEC Rocky Mountain

Chapter of the Year Award
Category A: 1-30 Contractor Members
Greater Charlotte IEC

Category B: 31-59 Contractor Members
IEC of Greater Cincinnati

Category C: 60+ Contractor Members
IEC Central Ohio

Advocacy Awards
Category A: 5-30 Contractor Members
Greater Charlotte IEC

Category B: 31-60 Contractor Members
IEC Florida East Coast

Category C: 61-89 Contractor Members
IEC Fort Worth

Category E: 90+ Contractor Members
IEC Rocky Mountain

Chapter Growth Awards
CenTex IEC
Central Alabama IEC
El Paso IEC
Greater Charlotte IEC
IEC Atlanta
IEC Central Ohio
IEC Chesapeake
IEC Dakotas
IEC Dallas
IEC Florida East Coast
IEC Georgia
IEC Greater San Antonio
IEC Indy
IEC Kentuckiana
IEC Middle Tennessee
IEC New England
IEC of Arizona
IEC of Idaho
IEC of Utah
IEC Pennsylvania
IEC Southern Arizona
IEC Southern Colorado
IEC Western Reserve
Rio Grande Valley IEC
Western Colorado IEC
IEC of the Texas Panhandle
Excellence in Electrical Construction Awards
Residential Construction
Commercial Construction
Category D
Industrial Construction
Low-Voltage/Limited Energy Green Construction
Excellence in Construction Service Award
Caplinger Company LLC, DBA KC Services Inc.
KC Services, Inc.
IEC Indy
Safety Awards
Safety Professional of the Year
Harvey Lincoln Hammock, Jr.
Integrated Electrical Services
IEC Texas Gulf Coast

Safety Awards
Category A: 1-15 Employees
M.R. Electricians, Inc.
IEC Florida West Coast

Category B: 16-50 Employees
Kevco Electrical Construction Inc.
IEC Dallas

Category C: 51-125 Employees
Benchmark Electrical Solutions
IEC Rocky Mountain

Category D: 126-300 Employees
Excel Services, Inc.
IEC Kentuckiana

Category E: 301+ Employees
Prism Electric
IEC of Texas

Safety Program Awareness & Retention Kit (SPARK) Recognition
Superior Achievement
M.R. Electricians, Inc., IEC Florida West Coast
Rapier Industries, IEC Dallas
Grand Achievement
Accent Electrical Services, IEC Rocky Mountain
Alarm and Communication Systems, Inc., IEC Florida West Coast
Allied Electric Service Inc., CenTex IEC
All Phase Electric and Maintenance, Inc., IEC Florida West Coast
Benchmark Electrical Solutions, IEC Rocky Mountain
Denier Electric Co., Inc., IEC of Greater Cincinnati
DeRock Electric Company, IEC Pennsylvania
Erwin Electric, IEC Florida West Coast
Excel Services, Inc., IEC Kentuckiana
George Mckenna Electrical Contractors LLC,
IEC Dallas
Helix Electric, Inc., IEC Chesapeake
IES Electrical (C&I), IEC of Oregon
Intex Electrical Contractors, Inc., IEC Dallas
JMEG Electrical Contractors, IEC Dallas
Kevco Electrical Construction Inc., IEC Dallas
Magee Electric Inc., IEC Rocky Mountain
Prism Electric, IEC of Texas
Power Design, Inc., IEC Chesapeake
Romanoff Electric, IEC Central Ohio
Romanoff Electric, Greater Charlotte IEC
Settle Muter Electric, IEC Central Ohio