Independent Electrical Contractors

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Beta Testing Opportunity: Video Surveillance Systems Course

Part Three of a Six-Part Series 


Currently, there are more than 50 million surveillance cameras installed in the United States with an annual growth rate projected to be 17 percent through the year 2025. There are more cameras installed per capita in the United States than any other country. With growing concerns for national and domestic security, video surveillance systems have become integrated with enhanced features such as fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, license plate imaging, and behavioral pattern recognition. Video surveillance is used for much more than recording images from a camera.  

For those interested in learning more about these systems, IEC’s Video Surveillance Systems course is now available for beta testing. The course is administered online through the CMS and includes review worksheets and instructor resources. There is no printed textbook. 

The 12-week course addresses the following topics: 

Lesson 1: History, Basic Components, and Lenses for CCTV Video Surveillance Systems  

Lesson 2: Cameras, Sensors, Image Scanning, and Video Compression  

Lesson 3: Camera Mounts, Housings, Video Recorders, Video Storage, and Digital Monitoring  

Lesson 4: Power Sources, Cable Types, and Connectors  

Lesson 5: Designing a Video Surveillance System  

Lesson 6: Estimating Costs of Video Surveillance Systems  

Lesson 7: Systems Installation  

Lesson 8: Basics of Data Networking  

Lesson 9: Programming  

Lesson 10: Testing Video Surveillance Systems  

Lesson 11: Troubleshooting  

Lesson 12: Documentation and User Training  

Beta testing provides valuable feedback to the course development team. Constructive feedback aids in the refinement of the course. Any chapter interested in beta testing will receive guidance on how to conduct a successful one and will be encouraged to collect instructor and student feedback throughout the duration of the class.  

Some of questions to keep in mind during the testing phase include: 

  • Is there too much or too little information on a certain topic? 
  • Are the hands-on labs relevant? Too difficult? Too easy? 
  • Does the course have a logical flow? 
  • Is the information relevant? Outdated? 

Will you be one of the next IEC contractors to add video surveillance systems installation to your portfolio?  

Those interested in beta testing this course are encouraged to contact Chrissy Skudera. 

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