BY IEC STAFF In recent years, the IEC Foundation has been intentional about supporting local communities by initiating a service project during the annual SPARK event. For 2024, a number
Ready to ship! Sonepar’s donation of 124 desktop computers and 72 laptops. BY IEC STAFF Opportunity. When an individual is presented with an opportunity, that individual is given the chance
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BY IEC STAFF IEC strongly believes in building a resilient and prepared workforce that can adapt to changing economic times and bolster the electrical and systems contracting industry. Attracting and
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By IEC Staff “When I first came to IEC Central Ohio more than 20 years ago, it was to an office not much larger than a closet,” says Barbara Tipton,
Pictured, left to right, at SPARK 2023 in Dallas: Jenn Dozier, IEC Foundation; Denise Sims, IEC Foundation; Mike Danielson and Santa Paws; Sylee Gibson, Guardian Angels; LaNa Al-Amin, IEC Foundation;
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Nashville, TN 37203
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